The main aim of the Mozaic Project is
to contribute to the conservation of the cultural landscape in the
two communities of Borșa and Dăbâca, situated in the
Eastern Hills of Cluj.
Through basic ecological research as
well as studies on the land use and the socio-economic situation of
the communities, we aim to provide an evidence base for the
development of conservation measures and management
The traditional extensive
agriculture, upon which high nature value grasslands are dependent,
is declining steadily. In response, we examine the role of
agricultural subsidies within the Romanian Rural Development
Programme, especially the Agri-environment payments, to see how the
situation can be improved.
Practical outcomes of our work
include a pilot Agri-environment scheme for selected hay meadow
sites in 2011 and 2012. Furthermore, together with the locals we
are trying to develop integrative nature conservation in the
region. In 2012, in addition to the agri-environment scheme we are
introducing small mowing machines in the area. These machines are a
efficient alternative to the scythe and will make the farmers
mowing work easier. From the ecological point of view the mowing
machines are much more compatible for the vegetation and
fauna than tractor mowing.