The hay meadows in the Hills of Cluj contain some of the most species-rich grassland in the world*. The plant diversity and the rare butterfly species that occur here are a priceless but highly threatened jewel of nature that depends on our careful protection.
However, our work doesn't stop with the conservation of nature and
the cultural landscape - through our activities we also support the
small-scale farming and provide education for children and adults
in the rural areas of Transylvania. Through these activities, we
are helping to promote a fulfilling, sustainable lifestyle for all
generations in the villages of the area.
You can support us in these activities through a donation to our account:
Account holder: Asociatia Mozaic
IBAN (for donations in Euro): RO08 RZBR 0000 0600 1424 2468
Bank: Raiffeisen Bank (Romania)
If you wish to donate in Romanian currency, please use the
following IBAN: RO41 RZBR 0000 0600 1424 2456.
If you have any questions about donations, please write to Inge
Paulini: ipaulini AT
Thank you for your support!
The Mozaic Association
* see the study published in the Journal of Vegetation Science in 2012