The Lord's Meadow is an old hay meadow measuring ca. 40 ha and belongs to the village Luna de Jos (near Cluj-Napoca). The meadow is no longer mown by local farmers due to the decline in small-scale dairy farming. As a result, it is becoming increasingly overgrown by shrubs and the sheep grazing throughout the year is also having a negative impact on the vegetation structure and typical meadow species.
The meadow is a great example of what treasures the interaction of natural resources and extensive agriculture can create: it is the only known place in Europe where five taxa of Maculinea butterflies (synonym: Phengaris) occur together - or did until recently, one must unfortunately say, as the abandonment of mowing as well as the grazing has already severely affected the butterfly populations during the last decades.
The Lord's Meadows is currently at the centre of the Mozaic Association's efforts to protect traditional hay meadows in the Eastern Hills of Cluj Natura 2000 site.